Murph Squire IIT, 6-string electric guitar

More Murph

 More Murph Sightings Just one day after we reported the #AlmostFamous story of Murph Guitars, one of the rarest 1960′s guitar shows up on eBay. Interestingly, the seller has misnamed the Squire II-T as the Squire 11-T. Same naming mistake that Michael Wright made in his article. Here’s the link: Vintage 60′s MURPH Read more…

Peavey Valverb in Tweed Case

The Peavey Valverb

 The Peavey Valverb is considered by some to be the best American made, non-Fender, all-tube reverb unit to be made. It was made in the 1990’s and no longer in production. Highly sought after on the used market. Here is one fine example: eBay Link: Peavey Valverb – all tube Read more…